Wednesday, October 3, 2012

As you sow, so shall you reap

                                                     Sree Sree Guru Gauranga Jayatah

There was a king whose prime minister was a great devotee. He always used to provide solace for others and pacify persons who came to him for help with their worldly troubles. He used to say, “You should not be disturbed or disheartened. You do not know what you did in your past life. You do not know what you will do in the future. So by seeing this present loss you should not be disturbed. There should have been a greater loss but by the Grace of Sri Krishna it has been reduced. It is all for the best! It is all for the best! Don’t be disheartened”.

The necessity to accept a bona fide Guru

                                                       Sree Sree Guru Gauranga Jayatah

tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet
samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nishtham

To obtain the knowledge about the Supreme Lord (knowledge that includes spontaneous loving service), a sincere aspirant desirous of eternal welfare should approach a bona fide Guru, expert in the conclusions of all the Vedas and steady in pure doctrines of devotion to Krishna, with offerings (gifts or honoraria) and surrender unto him with mind, body and speech.
Acharyavan purushoveda – Only to a person who had taken initiation from an acharya and performs devotional service to him will realize the Supreme krishna-rupa han sastrera pramane
guru-rupe krishna kripa karena bhakta-gane
siksa-guruke ta’ jani krishnera svarupa
antaryami, bhakta-srestha,——ei dui rupa

(Chaitanya Charitamrita, Adilila, 1.45, 47)According to the deliberate opinion of all revealed scriptures, the spiritual master is nondifferent from Krishna. Lord Krishna in the form of the spiritual master delivers His devotees. One should know the instructing spiritual master to be the Personality of Krishna. Lord Krishna manifests Himself as the Supersoul and as the greatest devotee of the Lord.guravo bahavah santi sishya vittapaharakah
durlabhah sadgururdevi sishya santapa harakah

Oh Devi! There are many gurus who steal the wealth of the disciples but a bona fide guru who steals the miseries of the disciples is very rare.kali-kale nama-rupe krishna-avatara
nama haite haya sarva-jagat-nistara
nama vinu kali-kale nahi ara dharma
sarva-mantra-sara nama, ei sastra-marma

In this Age of Kali, the holy name is the incarnation of Lord Krishna. In this Age of Kali there is no religious principle other than the chanting of the holy name, which is the essence of all Vedic hymns. This is the purport of all scriptures.

Disappointments and Bhajan

                                                  Sree Sree Guru Gauranga Jayatah

We should not be disappointed by the happenings of the world and give up our Bhajana. This world is the place of turmoil and disturbances caused by the illusory energy of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Only a completely surrendered soul can surmount the ocean of births and deaths – threefold afflictions. We are to practice six-fold Saranagati which is the basis of devotional life. Without Saranagati, there cannot be Bhakti.

We should not be perturbed by mundane worldly loss and gain. We should be very careful about the eternal benefit of the eternal self which will go with us.

Whatever is done by the Will of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Who is All-Good, is for the eternal benefit of all. Jivas reap the fruits of their own Karma. Nobody is to be blamed for this. We should not be perturbed under any circumstance and give up Bhajana in our short duration of stay in this transitory world. A completely surrendered soul is always protected and maintained by Sri Krishna. There is no cause of anxiety to him. He remains calm under all circumstances. We are controlled by Absolute-Will. We cannot do anything against His Will. Whether we shall lead an ascetic life or household life depends upon His Will. If He wishes anything, nobody can obstruct it.

We cannot see adjustment and cannot find solution by our own capacity. Total unconditional submission is the only way of solving problems. Jivas commit offence at the Lotus Feet of Sri Krishna, when they, being eternal servants of Sri Krishna, become averse to Sri Krishna. As long as Jivas will not remove this offence, there will be no practical solution. Maya will surely envelop them and there will be desire for enjoyment which will hurl them down to hell – intense suffering.

The root cause of the disease is to be eradicated, otherwise undesirable symptoms will crop up.
Hence, the root cause of all troubles, repugnance to Sri Krishna, is to be removed. We are averse to Sri Krishna from time immemorial. This averseness cannot be removed all of a sudden. It may require thousands of births or one birth. Even Ambarish Maharaja, the great devotee, could conquer all material desires gradually. Nothing can be achieved all of a sudden.
‘Sadhya’ – ultimate blissful spiritual existence – cannot be attained without ‘Sadhana’. Association of bona fide real Sadhus is essential for spiritual enhancement.

Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha
October 15, 2011. Sri Govardhan.


                                                  Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!

The moment we shall submit to Sri Krishna unconditionally, our all ills and sufferings will go. A surrendered soul has got no separate desire of his own. He is happy in whatever circumstances he is put to by the will of His beloved Supreme Master.

Sharangati is of sixfold. We are to Practice it :

1. We are to accept all that is congenial for pure devotion.
2. Give up all that is not congenial.
3. Should have firm faith that Sri Krishna will protect us under all circumstances --- from outside foes and inside foes (Passions).
4. He is the only Sustainer and Maintainer of our real and apparent selves.
5. We all belong to Him i.e., we are of Him (Atmanivendan).
6. We should give up all material egos --- should think we are spiritual spark -- minutest part of the marginal potency (tatastha Shakti) of supreme Lord Sri Krishna, i.e. we should be humble than the blade of grass.

A completely surrendered soul has no cause of being worried under any circumstances, under any pressure in this most transitory world. Supreme Lord Sri Krishna protects and sustains always a bonafide surrendered soul. According to our Karma we get congenial and uncongenial environments. Nobody is to be blamed for this.

--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Always remember Sri Nrsimhadeva

Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!

We should always remember Nrsimhadeva. Nrsimhadeva kills Hiranyakasipu. Who is Hiranyakasipu? "Hiranya" means wealth and "kasipu" means bed--sexual desire. So "Hiranyakasipu" means "those who have desire for wealth and sex and also for name and fame". Such persons cannot get Krsna. So, Hiranyakasipu is within us. Externally, we may see a demon, but that demon is also residing within ourselves. That demon should be killed! Then you can go to Krsna. There is also one-pointed, causeless, eternal devotion residing within our real selves. That is called "Prahlada". Nrsimha Bhagavan will remove all ulterior motives from our hearts. He will kill Hiranyakasipu and enhance Prahlada. So we should remember Lord Nrsimhadeva.

--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Praying out of helplessness

                                                  Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
"Srila Bhativinode Thakur has said in his writing `Hari he, prapance pariya, agati hayiya, na dekhi upaya ara…'- `O Supreme Lord Sree Hari ! Being helpless due to fall in the pit of tremendous worldly suffering, I am at a loss to find out a way to get out of it. I take shelter at Your Lotus Feet because you are the only resort of a miserable and helpless person like me. I have got no qualities by which you can grace me. I have got no good deeds, no knowledge, no quality of performing devotional forms and worshipping you. I am devoid of all qualities but only hope for me is that you are All-Merciful, graceful. I am a destitute. I can only pray your causeless mercy. I am immersed in the ocean of births, deaths and threefold afflictions being drifted by the forces of evil words, evil mind, anger, relishing delicious food and also forces of desires to fill the stomach with good dishes and for sex-enjoyments. I am tremendously tormented by these evil desires. I am trying my utmost to control these evil propensities but I am undone, I have lost all hopes. You are the Lord of the helpless, I am calling You. I can only depend on You, there is nobody else to rescue me.' These words of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur are applicable to me and also to other sincere souls who want to be rescued"

--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


In the tenth chapter of the Madhya-khanda, Vrindavan Das Thakur writes that while Hari Das was being cruelly beaten, Mahaprabhu descended with his discus, intending to destroy the demons, but was unable to do so on account of Hari Das’s prayers. So he shielded Hari Das’s body with his own. Then he revealed to Hari Das the cane marks on his back. The main reason for the Lord’s appearance is his devotee. When such an outrage was being perpetrated on his devotee Hari Das, he immediately appeared to protect him. When Hari Das heard the Lord recount this story, he immediately fainted. The Lord then showed him his divine form. He glorified Hari Das himself: “Anyone who even sees Hari Das becomes free from all bondage. Even great gods like Brahma and Shiva desire Hari Das’s company. Even the Ganges desires his touch.”

Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja :“Srila Namacharya Hari Das Thakur”Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math - (Sreecgmath - 19.Sep.2002)

Sripad Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha Maharaja visits Mandala Media

Tirtha Maharaja receives Gayatri Book
Swami B. G. Narasingha presents Swami B. B. Tirtha Maharaja
a copy of  "Sri Gayatri Mantrartha Dipika
During Sripad Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja's recent preaching tour of the United States we took the opportunity of inviting Maharaja to visit the new headquarters of Mandala Media, a subdivision of Mandala Publishing Group near San Francisco. Mandala Media has been set up with the purpose of preserving the archives of Srila B. R. Sridhara Deva Goswami Maharaja, Srila B. P. Puri Goswami Maharaja and other Vaishnava acaryas and producing books, videos, audio tapes, folios and other transcendental media for the Vaishnavas at large.
While touring the offices of Mandala Media Sripad Tirtha Maharaja was shown several videos of Srila Puri Maharaja, Srila B. R. Sridhara Maharaja and Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.      
Sripad Tirtha Maharaja asked to see a video wherein A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was preaching in English to people in America. He was then shown an ITV production wherein Srila Prabhupada lectures on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.8.25. Maharaja watched and listed to the video very attentively.
Swami B. G. Narasingha presented Sripad Tirtha Maharaja copies of Srila Prabhupada's book "In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life," "Our Affectionate Guardians" and "Sri Gayatri Mantrartha Dipika."
The commentaries on Gayatri contained in the Gayatri book written by previous acaryas such as Visvanatha, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Srila Sridhara Maharaja, and Srila Puri Maharaja were pointed out to Sripad Tirtha Maharaja and he happily received the book. This was the first time that Tirtha Maharaja and Narasingha Maharaja had met personally. Swami B. V. Tripurari Maharaja and about fifteen devotees from around the Bay area were also present for the event and everyone was in a very happy mood. Later that afternoon Vallabha Tirtha Maharaja sat comfortably in his room reading the Gayatri Book. Maharaja especially appreciated the Bengali and Devanagari commentaries on the slokas. Excerpts (Introduction) and a chapter summary of "Sri Gayatri Mantrartha Dipika" are also available on our web site. "

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!

As long as the sweetness of Sri Krishna is not tasted, this tug-of-war
between worldly attraction and Krishna bhakti will continue. We cannot
give up our attraction for worldly objects unless and until we get the
taste of the transcendental sweetness of Name, Form, Attributes and
Pastimes of Sri Krishna. Of course, even at the stage of Sadhana-Bhakti
we can have 
some feeling of the transcendental sweetness of Sri Krishna.
Progress in the Sadhana depends on the intensity of our devotional
In our devotional spiritual cultivation we are to practice detachment
from worldly objects and attachment to Sri Krishna simultaneously. We
are to give more stress on positive practice than to negative practice.
Remembrance of the things of the world come to our mind indirectly, when
we try to withdraw ourselves from those undesirable temporary things of
the world, whose ultimate consequence is severe suffering, at the time
of separation. If we always remember Sri Krishna, devote ourselves to
the service of Sri Krishna, Who is All-Good, All-Existence,
All-Knowledge and All-Bliss, we will be automatically withdrawn from
worldly objects.

— Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.

Bondage and Suffering

                  Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
The very fact that we are in bondage and are suffering threefold afflictions proves that we are averse to God (Sri Krisna). The root-cause of our afflictions is forgetfulness of our eternal relation with Sree Krishna. Those jivas, who have done eternal good deeds, who are fortunate come in contact with real Sadhus (Suddha Bhaktas) and come to know about their rea
l self that they are eternal servants of Sree Krishna and when they have forgotten their eternal relation with Sree Krishna, they are entangled in the snare of Maya.

Now if they take absolute shelter at the Lotus Feet of Sree Krishna, they will be rescued. Jivas are atomic spiritual sparks-they have got thinking, feeling and willing. Misuse of their relative independence is the cause of their averseness to Sree Krishna.

Sree Krishna does not want to destroy the relative independence of jivas, because by that the very purpose and existence of jivas will be destroyed. So Sree Krishna and His devotees always try to advice jivas and make them understand so that they will submit to Him willingly.

As long as the sweetness of Sri Krishna is not tasted this tug of war between worldly attraction and Krishna-bhakti will continue. Without sadhana `Sadhya Vastu' goal of life cannot be achieved. You are to perform sadhana with sincerity and steadfastness.

It is a long journey. We will not get anything all on a sudden. For enslaved jivas, suddha bhakti - suddha Harinam is difficult. But if there is sincere desire to perform Bhakti and chant Harinam correctly, Sree Krishna and Sree Krishna Bhakta will be at your back to help you. By their grace you will succeed in getting Suddha bhakti and in uttering Harinam rightly.

--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
It is emphatically stated in Brihad Naradiya Puran thrice— there is certainly no other way, certainly no other way, certainly no other way except only `Harinam' in Kaliyuga.
ayi mukta-kulair upasyamanamparitas tvam hari-nama samsrayami
— Namastaka written by Srila Rupa Goswami
O Harinam! (Holy Name of Supreme Lord— Hari) The Upanishads— the summit philosophical portion of the entire Vedas— the effulgence of jewels is incessantly worshiping your Holy Lotus Feet by the radiation of waving lamps. You are always worshipped also by renowned realized souls— Sree Narad and Sree Sukdev. The transcendental glory of the Holy Spiritual Name is revealed in the tongues of the realized souls who are inclined to serve Him. Therefore, O Harinam! I take absolute shelter to Thy Lotus Feet whole-heartedly.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

"sravanam kirtanam dhyanam."

Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!
"sravanam kirtanam dhyanam." Dhyanam means to engage your mind in meditation for thinking about and remembering the glories of the name, form, attributes and pastimes of Sri Krishna. So now you have engaged your ears (sravanam), you have engaged your tongue (kirtanam) and you have engaged your mind (dhyanam). All the sense organs should be engaged in the service of Sri krishna. He is the only master of all the senses. So He is called Hrshikesha. Hrishik means sense organs and isa means the enjoyer of those sense organs. If there should be any sense organ not engaged in His service, then the world might enter through that loophole. You should prevent worldly views from entering into the heart to spoil one's consciousness of Sri Krishna.
I am trying to practice this by praying for the grace of Sri Krishna and you are all helping me in this matter. You are my best friends, my spiritual friends.
--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama    Hare Rama    Rama    Rama    Hare Hare

Birth in a royal family? Never again.

Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!

All are connected with the same reality, the Supreme Lord. We have come from the Supreme Lord. We are in the Supreme Lord. We are by the Supreme Lord. As we have come from the same source, we should have love for all creatures. If we can see that reality, then we can understand the purpose of the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Sri Natha Cakravarti has summed this up in one verse:
aradhyo bhagavan vrajeaa-tanayastad-dhama vrndavanam
ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena ya kalpita
srimad-bhagvatam pramanam amalam prema pumartho mahan
sri caitanya-mahaprabhur matam idam tatradaro nah parah
(from Caitanya-manjusa, a commentary on Srimad Bhagavatam)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The rising of the sun of the Srimad Bhagavatam.

The rising of the sun of the Srimad Bhagavatam.

The following is a translation of, Hayanodghata, the last article by Srila Prabhupada published in Gaudiya magazine in Vaishakh of 1936.

"Gaudiya magazine today enters its fifteenth year. For fourteen years, Gaudiya has sung Goloka's incomparable glories just as Lakshman served Rama during His exile. May the readers and hearers of Gaudiya find eternal ecstasy in joyfully relishing the fruits born by this fifteen-year-old tree. We ask that everyone join us in praying for Lord Gaurasundar's mercy so that Gaudiya's message will soon spread to America. This message is being discussed in Europe, particularly in London, so why should America be left behind

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sri Nrisimha Avatara

Sri Nrisimha Avatara

The fourth among the Dasavatara is Sri Nrisimha-avatara. Among the innumerable avataras, twenty-five are pre-eminent as has been stated before in connection with Matsya-avatara. Of these twenty-five, Sri Nrisimhadeva is the fourteenth. He is the vaibhava-vilasa (expansion in magnificence) of the tadekatma form of Sri Krishna.

The second catur-vyuha (quadruple expansion) of Sri Krishna is comprised of Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, and each of these has two further vilasa expansions. Pradyumna’s expansions are Sri Nrisimhadeva and Sri Janardana. Besides that, it is also described that in the second catur-vyuha, Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are the prabhava-vilasa (predominating transcendental pastime expansions) of Sri Krishna.

Disappearance of Srila Paramgurudev, Feb 22, 2012, Kolkata: Harikatha in Kolkata...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Radha Kunda Tata by Srila Gurudev

Srila Gurudev, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, in an intense mood sings the bhajan "Radha Kunda Tata Kunja Kitira" compiled by Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur on April 20, 2012 in Kolkata Math. By His Causeless Grace we have the recording present to you with a pictorial presentation of His Divine Grace's latest visit to Sri Goverdhan and Sri Radha Kunda.

Vyasa Puja on Srila Tirtha Maharaj's appearance day 2012

Radha Kunda Tata Kunja Kutira by Srila Gurudev

Sitadevi, the internal potency of Lord Sri Ramachandra

King Janaka’s daughter, Sita, had not been born from the womb and was equally as endowed as the Lord with transcendental qualities of form, beauty, age, behaviour, and nature just like Sree Lakshmi.

At Sita’s svayamvara (the assembly where Mother Sita was to choose Her husband), in the midst of all the heroes, Lord Sri Ramacandra playfully lifted the immensly heavy bow of Lord Siva (Hara-dhanu), which was brought in by three hundred men. He then bent and strung it and broke it in everyone’s presence. After breaking the Hara-dhanu at the svayamvara, the Lord gained King Janaka’s daughter Sita.

Sri Rama’s internal potency, Sitadevi, although instructed repeatedly by Sri Ramacandra not to go with Him to the forest (as this punishment was meant for Him and not for Her or anyone else), left behind all comforts for the service of Her husband. By this action, She defined the duty of a chaste wife and exhibited the ideal of following the husband. Supreme Lord Sri Ramacandra was completely fascinated by the pure love of Sitadevi, which surpassed all His expectations, but in order to teach the dharma of a king who is engaged in the welfare of the citizens, and although giving pain to Himself, He asked for the ordeal by fire (Agni-pariksha) and declared the injunction of banishment of Sitadevi who is non-different from His own self.

Once, arrangements were being made for an Asvamedha-yajna under the priesthood of Vasishtha and other sages. The wife of the person to perform the Asvamedha yajna has to be initiated in the yajna before the husband. Because of this rule, it was proposed that Sri Ramacandra get married again, but Sri Ramacandra rejected the proposal and arranged to have a golden Deity of Sita instead. He was given yajna initiation, along with the golden Deity of Sita as His wife. What can be a better example of Sitadevi’s most excellent chastity and love than this?

Excerpts from the book Dasavatara by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.

Jahnava Devi's Glory

Virabhadra Goswami was inundated with Jahnava Mata's mercy, becoming Her direct initiated disciple. Nityananda Das writes in his Prema-Vilasa that when Virabhadra saw Jahnava Devi in a four-armed form, His mind was changed and He decided to accept Her as His diksha Guru.

Without the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu's energy, Jahnava Devi, no one is able to cross over the ocean of material life, nor can one obtain the service of Nityananda Prabhu and enter into the loving service of His worshipable Gaurhari and Radha-Krishna.

Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur has written in his

"O Jahnava Devi! Be merciful today to your servant and deliver me from my pain. Give me a place in the boat of your lotus feet so that I can be sure to cross over the ocean of birth and death. You are Nityananda's energy. You are devotion to Krishna and my guru. Please give this servant the desire tree of your lotus feet. How numerous are the fallen souls that you have saved? So this fallen beggar seeks a place at your feet."

Srila Krishna Das in his song that begins as
Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna Jaya Vrindavana, has prayed for Jahnava Devi's mercy after glorifying Krishna's name, abode and associates: "Remembering Jahnava Devi's lotus feet, the lowly Krishna Das sings the name of the Lord

Sree Puri Dham Yatra 2012 - Itinerary

             Sree Puri Dham Yatra 2012 - Itinerary

Most Revered Srila Gurudev will leave for Sri Puri Dham to participate in this year's Ratha Yatra (Cart Festival) from Kolkata on 17th of June. During the stay He will speak Harikatha, give darsan to all devotees on 20th of June (on the auspicious Gundica marjan day) during the evening, participate in Ratha yatra on 21st June and give Harinam to sincere aspirants on 22nd June before returning to Kolkata on 24th of the month.

You are requested to take note of the above mentioned dates and plan the itinerary. For accomodation, please contact the Math-in-charge at 91-6752-223274.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Prayers at His Lotus Feet

                                             Prayers at His Lotus Feet

                                        Namah Om Vishnupaadaya sri gaura-priya murtaye
                                        Srimate Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha Goswami namine //1//

I pay my respectful obeisances unto Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, who is the loving personified of Sri Gaura Sundar. He is completely enlightened by His bhajan-sampada ( wealth of Bhajan), whose ornaments are his bhajan and whose senses and speech are under his control.

                                    Maayaavaad vikhandanam guror-vaanyanu kirtanam
                                    Pascadesopadesakam prasanna vadanam sadaa //2//

I bow down unto lotus feet of one who condemns the false-scriptures of mayavad, on the basis of bhakti-siddhanta ( the philosophy of pure devotion). You are perfect and prompt in vaisnava-philosophy of pure devotion. You are ever blissful and preaching the great philosophy around the world including western countries.

                                 Suddhaa-bhakti pravaahakam suddhaa-bhakti bhagiratham,
                                 Bhakti-dayita madhava abhinna tanum namaamyaham //3//

Oh bhagirath of pure devotion (one who carries pure devotion)! You are the one who is spreading the Ganges of pure devotion all over the world, and non-different from Srila Bhakti Daiyta Madhava Goswami. You are His (Srila Bhakti Daiyta Madhava Goswami's) expansion. I pay my respectful obeisances unto your lotus feet.

                                  Naam sankirtanaamrita rasaasvaada vidhaayakam,
                            Krishnaamnaaya kripaa murtim acaaryam tam namaamyaham //4//

Just by Hari-naam sankirtan, you generate and preach the taste of nectar of Lord Krishna's unlimited past-times, holy name, form, characteristics, lila-dham.You are deity-form (personification) of Lord Krishna's mercy and the philosophy of this disciplinic succession.. You teach and preach through your behaviour. I offer my respects unto you.

                              Gaur-naama pracaaraardram bhakta sevaanu aakaankshitam,
                                 Satirtha-priti sad-bhaava naumi tirtha mahaashayam //5//

I pay my Humble obeisances unto Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, whose soft heart has become full of nectar by continuously preaching the sweet nectarian name of Sri Gaur-hari. He - who serves all the vaisnava servants of Gauranga mahaprabhu humbly and glorifies them. Who is dear most to Srila Gurudeva (Srila Bhaktidaiyta Madhava Goswami) and to whom Srila Gurudeva is dear most, and one who is extra-ordinarily loyal and very loving to his god-brothers, I pay my respectful obeisances unto such Srila Bhakti Vallabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj.

His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaja

is presently one of the foremost spiritual leader of the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates in the world today. He is the dearly beloved disciple of Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaja and who is in turn the equally beloved disciple of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada.

Taking Shelter of the Divine Master

While studying at the university, he came in contact with his spiritual master, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaj, and immediately became attracted by his transcendentally powerful personality. Srila Madhava Maharaja was one of the leading followers of the illustrious preceptor of the pure devotional bhakti school, His Divine Grace Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur, and a great proponent of the devotional teachings in his own right After completing his Masters Degree in Philosophy in 1947, Srila Tirtha Maharaja wholeheartedly and unreservedly dedicated his life to the service of his spiritual master.

He travelled extensively with Srila Madhava Maharaja on preaching tours. His service attitude was so exemplary that soon Srila Madhava Maharaja established him as the secretary of the devotional institution known as Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Matha, which has over twenty ashramas (monasteries) in India alone. He was awarded sannyasa, the order of renunciation, in 1961. Setting an example of unadulterated service to Sri Guru, Srila Tirtha Maharaj served his spiritual master with every facet of mind, body and spirit.

Eventually, Srila Madhava Maharaja, seeing his disciple's degree of dedication and sincerity combined with an astute and practical mind, selected him as his worthy successor. After the disappearance of His beloved Spiritual Master Srila Madhava Goswami Maharaja in 1979, Srila Tirtha Maharaja was appointed as President-Acharya of the Math. He has received the fortunate blessings and great affection of many of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta's prominent followers, such as Srila Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhar Deva Goswami Maharaja, Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaja, Srila Bhakti Hridaya Van Goswami Maharaja, Srila Bhakti Akinchana Krishna Dasa Babaji Maharaja, Srila Bhakti Kumud Sant Goswami Maharaja and many others.

               An Ideal Acharya (one who teaches by example)

For the last five decades, Srila Tirtha Maharaja has been engaged in the propagation of the all-embracing doctrine of transcendental Divine Love of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to counter the present trend of violence and cruelty, and to bring about unity of hearts among all, irrespective of caste, creed or religion. "Example is better than precept" is his way of preaching. He has always practiced what he preaches---compassion toward all living entities, true kindness, simplicity, innocence, complete detachment, absolute tolerance, intense spiritual blissfulness, an incomparable degree of humility and unflinching faith in Sri Guru combined with exclusive devotion and complete surrender to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Tirtha Maharaja is known for not deviating even one inch outside of the four corners of the prescripts of the Holy Scriptures. His Divine Grace is a renowned authority on Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy and he is beloved by thousands of devotees throughout the world as the very embodiment of humility and spiritual affection.

Now at the age of 84, inspired by the grace of his Gurudeva, Srila Tirtha Maharaja is always on the move, going from towns to villages in India and also abroad, propagating the divine message of the Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. Without caring for his ownpersonal comfort and undergoing many austerities, he maintains an extremely heavy preaching schedule, tirelessly serving the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

It could in fact be said that Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja is the very personification of all desirable and rare attributes such as: humility, affection, purity of heart and exclusive devotion. Because of these qualities and the mercy of his guru, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaja is the present President-Acharya of the Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math devotional institution and also the Founder-Acharya of GOKUL (Global Organisation of Krishnachaitanya's Universal Love). He also serves as president of the World Vaishnava Association (WVA) and is acknowledged by Vaishnavas around the world as one of the most exalted spiritual personalities of his generation.    

                                   His Worldwide Preaching

Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja requested Srila Tirtha Maharaja to accompany him to the US just prior to his launching of the Hare Krishna Movement in the West in 1965. As he was, at that time engaged in the service of his spiritual master, Srila Madhava Maharaja, with many duties and responsibilities, Srila Tirtha Maharaja humbly declined.

Eventually, with the idea of Srila Tirtha Maharaja traveling outside India to propagate the all-embracing gospel of transcendental Divine Love of Sri Chaitanya Maharaprabhu, his Gurudeva Srila Madhava Maharaja ordered him to take lessons in the German language. It was several years after the disappearance of his most revered Gurudeva and due to constant and persistent requests of devotees, that Srila Tirtha Maharaja approached Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaja, who is one of the foremost associates of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada, for guidance regarding travel to the west. At the behest of his beloved shiksha-guru(instructing preceptor), His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami Maharaja, he then embarked upon preaching the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu throughout the world, beginning with an America in 1997. Since that time, he has continued to disseminate the remedy for the afflictions of the current age quarrel, the chanting of the Holy Name, throughout the world. To date, his preaching engagements have taken him to 25 countries including England, Holland, Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Russia and throughout the length and breadth of the continental USA.

Srila Tirtha Maharaja, during his US tour in 1997, addressed the United Nations "World Conference On Religion and Peace and World Peace Prayer Society" in New York city, offering them a succinct outline for world peace based upon the spiritual tenets of the ancient Vedas. All participating in these meetings were very much taken by Maharaja's sweet and humble personality, and regarded him as a genuine holy man. His preaching programs over the past years have also included many interesting dialogues with prominent Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim and Baha'i theologians, in such diverse settings as universities, interfaith groups, churches, Hindu temples and a wide variety of metaphysical and private educational centers. All are invariably won over by his gentle and affectionate nature, combined with his resolute faith in Guru-Vaishnava-Bhagavan. He has also spoken on the sublime teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on many radio and television programs, including a thought-provoking interview on BBC radio in 2000, which was broadcast worldwide. Srila Bhakti Ballabha Tirtha Goswami Maharaja, in lieu of a request by the devotees worldwide, gave his approval for the establishment of GOKUL (Global Organisation of Krishna Chaitanya's Universal Love), which he founded in 1997 with the goal of expanding his preaching mission.

                                      A Fearless Preacher

Srila Tirtha Maharaja's knowledge of scripture is formidable. He substantiates everything he says with innumerable evidences from all over the Vedic literature. He always preaches fearlessly and never compromises the conclusions of the scriptures for the sake of mundane practicality. During his devotional, powerful, informative, heart piercing lectures, he inspires numerous devotees. He uses every moment of every day to fulfill Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's desire to preach the Holy Name of Krishna in every town and village. He is the perfect example of the famous and oft-quoted verse "trnad api sunichena" from Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Shikshastaka Prayers. Although very meek and humble in his personal dealings, in his classes he roars like a lion, smashing false pride and cutting all misconceptions from the hearts and minds of his disciples and followers.

                                        His Teachings

Srila Tirtha Maharaja adroitly dispels the doubts of those who come to him for shelter and spiritual guidance. He places great stress on chanting of the Holy Name without offense, encouraging and inspiring all to achieve the pure stage. He practices and preaches complete surrender, not partial or conditional, but complete one hundred percent surrender to the instructions of his spiritual master, Sri Gurudeva.

                                    His Writings

His Divine Grace is always engaged in writing articles and books of a profoundly spiritual nature in several native languages as well as English, for the eternal benefit of the conditioned souls of the world. Many of his writings are in the Bengali language but have been, and continue to be, translated into many other languages. As far as spiritual content is concerned, Srila Tirtha Maharaja leaves no stone unturned. It would not be exaggerating to say that all bona-fide spiritual questions are answered with each turn of the page. His is the accumulated devotion, knowledge and wisdom of many generations of self-realized souls extending back through time without deviation from truth due to self-interest.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Service To Visnu And Vaisnava


EDITORIAL, May 28 (VNN) — Ki Rupe Paiba Seva Mui Duracara - "How can a miscreant like me obtain devotional service?"

Wherever we go, our only duty is to serve Visnu and vaisnava. We do not have any other duty. Our life is only meant for serving Visnu and vaisnava. One should please the Supreme Lord by always hearing hari-katha, performing kirtana, or engaging in any other service. There is much more service to do after becoming liberated. Srila Guru Maharaj jokingly says that those who are afraid of doing service cannot come to the line of bhakti; especially the bhakti lineage of Gaudiya Vaisnavas.

They may do "soham-soham" in a jnani lineage and merge into Brahman. But in our line of pure devotion, one has to serve the devotees and the Supreme Lord now and after liberation also. By performing service one gets the object of service and love for Him. Sri Nanda Maharaj, Mother Yasoda, Radharani, and all other devotees are always engaged in the service of the Supreme Lord.

Bhagavata dharma or bhakti dharma is very easy and difficult also. One who follows the path of bhagavata dharma has no fear of falling down because the Supreme Lord Himself is his savior and sustainer. "na skhalet patet iha": Even while walking with one's eyes closed, one will not slip or fall. But one needs some courage to follow the path of bhagavata dharma. Here, whatever you speak using your tongue, whatever you think using your mind, and whatever you do using your senses should all be done in relationship to the Supreme Lord. "Narayana - iti samarpayet", everything should be offered to Narayana; everything should be done for Narayana. Bhagavata dharma demands full surrender. If we do not offer our mind, senses, and sense objects to the Supreme Knowable Truth, Saccidananda Sri Krsna, we will leave behind our highest good and go towards the non-eternal. We will then become more entangled in the temporary world. We should understand that I am of the Supreme Lord, I am of Krsna, I am His eternal servant but I have forgotten Him and I have left His service. I have come to this material world and I am now suffering from the threefold afflictions.

What should I do now? Having forgotten Him and abandoned His service, I am now suffering. So I should remember Him and render service to Him with complete surrender. Then my miseries will be over and I will get transcendental happiness. This is bhagavata dharma. In other words, you should surrender to Him who you belong to and remain for Him. This is your only happiness. You do not need dharma-artha-kama. You need krsna prema. Therefore, not only do pure devotees not ask the Supreme Lord for dharma-artha-kama of this world; they do not ask for even liberation. They only ask the Supreme Lord for devotion to Him and His service.

A mother naturally feeds her child, puts him to sleep, gives him a bath and even cleans his stool. She does not feel bad doing all these; she actually feels happiness, even though there is no pure affection here. Mother Yasoda has pure affection for Gopalaji. Mother Yasoda's Gopala does not become old like other children of the material world; neither does He die. This kind of love is pure transcendental happiness. When Brahmaji kidnapped the calves and cowherd boys, Krsna expanded Himself into cowherd boys and calves exactly the same in appearance and nature as the real calves and cowherd boys. While discussing the pastimes of Sri Krsna, Srila Gurudeva explained a few lines of a wonderful bhajana of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura:

bisaye bhuliya andha hainu diba-nisi
gale phansa dite phire maya se pisaci

I have no devotion for either Visnu or vaisnava, I have become averse to them and have become blind by constantly meditating on the objects of the senses. Maya has placed a hangman's noose around my neck.

ihare kariya jaya chadana na jaya
sadhu-krpa bina ara nahika upaya

Nobody can win over maya's illusion without the mercy of sadhu and guru. By their mercy we can get emancipation from this world; we can win over maya and obtain the service of the Supreme Lord. But we are not associating with them. We have not developed any affection for them. So how shall we be rescued from this world?

ki-rupe paiba seva mui duracara
sri-guru-vaisnave rati na haila amara

How shall we get service to Visnu and vaisnava? I have no devotion for either Visnu or the vaisnavas. We are not seeing the vaisnavas as vaisnava; not seeing the guru as guru. We have the false feeling that "I am the only vaisnava; there is no other vaisnava in this world." How can I get any service like this? Service can only be given by sadguru and vaisnava. Sadguru and vaisnava are the mercy incarnation of the Supreme Lord. The Lord in the form of guru or vaisnava gives us the opportunity to serve. Without His mercy our spiritual progress is zero.

guru krsna-rupa hana sastrera pramane
guru-rupe krsna krpa karena bhakta-gane

You cannot separate the spiritual master from Krsna. It is said in Caitanya-Caritamrta, "Lord Krsna in the form of the spiritual master shows mercy to the living entities." Therefore one should pray to the vaisnavas:

adosada-rasi-prabhu patita-uddhara
ei-bara narottame karaha nistara

Narottama Thakuraji sang this kind of prayer for our benefit. "O vaisnava thakura, I am the greatest offender. Please do not see my faults. You are the rescuer of the fallen; kindly rescue this fallen soul also."

Therefore guru and vaisnava are everything for us. Only they can rescue us from the cycle of repeated births and deaths and award us devotional service to their worshipable Lord. Serving Visnu and vaisnava is our only dharma. Our life should only be meant for this. That is why wherever we go, we do only one thing: service to Visnu and vaisnavas.

For more articles on a variety of devotional topics by and about Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj and other Vaishnava authors, kindly visit the GOKUL website at or

Divine Sayings

Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!

The biggest point is - faith. With faith, man, woman, child all can get Bhagavan by calling out. Dhurva was having unflinching faith that Lord will definitely come. Due to faith he got the mercy of Supreme Lord Hari. By the loud calls, Lord's heart got melted. Dhurva was a child only. He did not know the sanskrit prayers. He only called for the Supreme Lord loudly. When Lord becomes pleased, unfavorable becomes favorable. Narada Muni himself came to meet Dhurva and told him the method of performing the austerities. After only 6 months of severe austerities, Dhruva saw the divine form of Supreme Lord Vishnu with conch, disc, club and lotus flower.

If you want darkness, Light will not come; and if Light comes, how can darkness remain? The two cannot exist simultaneously.

The eternal nature of the soul is causeless devotion to the Supreme Lord. No one can stop this.

Saranagati is unending. The Qualities of Krishna are unending and will descend according to the degree of saranagati, both endless and infinite.

Krishna is the nearest and the dearest. Whatever you are thinking in your mind Krishna sees first and only then can you see it. You can see nothing without His grace.

--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Golden Saying

Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!

The living beings in this world have got actual and real relation with Supreme Lord Sree Krishna. Relations in this world are apparent. Conditioned souls of this world are passing through numerous births and deaths being enveloped by the illusory energy of Supreme Lord. The fruits of the actions of conditioned souls, which have started, will have their end, and then nobody can remain in this world. Sree Krishna says in the Gita - "The wise do not mourn for the going and coming of the conditioned souls". The only way of doing eternal benefit to other conditioned souls is to worship Sree Krishna with pure devotion. If God is satisfied, all will be satisfied.

--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Strongest Spiritual Force on Earth

Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!

According to Lord Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Transcendental Divine Love is the strongest spiritual force on earth which can establish close relation of love and unity of hearts amongst all human beings and thereby establish real peace in the world. There is an outbreak of conflagration of group clashes throughout the world. Nowhere you will find peace. I am worried to read in newspapers the news of bomb explosions and disturbances. A section of people have become so violent and barbarous that they do not hesitate in committing heinous crimes in assassinating innocent persons to fulfill their political ends. All humanitarian considerations have been relinquished. They are now seeking justifications in committing such great sins. When there are different centers of interests, nobody can avoid clashing of individuals, groups, nations etc. As for example, if circles are drawn with different centers, circumferences will cross, but if there is one center of interest there may be smaller or bigger circles but there will be no crossing. According to Lord Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu there should be knowledge of the real self, real interest and one center of interest.

Supreme Lord Sree Krishna who is 'Achyuta' can only be the common center of interest from whom all the spirit souls have emanated. If we pour water at the root of the tree, whole tree is nourished with all its parts, in like manner, by serving Krishna we serve all. Non-Violence is to refrain from doing injury to others - it is negative, but love is to do positive good to others. If anybody has got pure love to any person, he cannot have the impetus to inflict injuries to any part of the object of his love. If we get love for Krishna, we cannot have the impetus to inflict injuries to any of His parts emanating from His marginal potency. All Jivas are interrelated through their relation to Sree Krishna. Lord Krishna has said in the Bhagavat Gita (18.62) "O Scion of Bharata, Surrender unto Him utterly. By His Grace you will attain Transcendental peace and Supreme and eternal abode." Complete unconditional surrender to the Lotus Feet of Supreme Lord Sree Krishna can only bestow on us eternal peace. The moment we shall submit to Sree Krishna unconditionally, our all ills and sufferings will go. 'Sharanagati ' is the best medicine for cure of all afflictions and the solution of all problems.

False egos create false interests and by that clashing of interests we see the forest fire in this world. Supreme Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said, if individual spirit souls can have the knowledge that they are interrelated with love relation, this forest fire of clashing of interests will stop. So Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has said, Divine Love is the best and only solution of the disturbed situation of the world. That Divine Love (Prema-Bhakti) for the Supreme Lord can be cultivated by 'Nama-Sankirtan' -chanting of the Holy Name of Supreme Lord, viz. Krishna, Rama, Govinda, Madhava, etc. In the present age, 'Nama-Sankirtan' is the best medicine and effective way to achieve the summum bonum of human life as it can be performed under any sort of circumstances. Nama-Sankirtan is a universal religion under whose banner people of all sects and rank can unite. Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math institution is engaged in the propagation of the all-embracing doctrine of Transcendental Divine Love of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to counter the present trend of violence and cruelty and to bring unity of hearts amongst all irrespective of caste, creed and religion.

--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami

His Holiness Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj was born in 1924 in Assam, India, on Rama-navami, the most auspicious appearance day of Lord Ramachandra. Having been brought up in a pious environment, he developed a strong inclination to search for truth, which led him to take up the study of philosophy at Calcutta University. After completing his MA in philosophy in 1947, he came in contact with his spiritual master, Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Goswami Maharaj, and immediately became attracted by his divine and powerful personality. Srila Madhava Maharaj was one of the foremost followers of the illustrious preceptor of the pure devotional school of bhakti yoga, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Thakur. From that time onward, Srila Tirtha Maharaj completely dedicated his life to the service of his guru. Soon he became secretary of the devotional institution Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Math, which has over twenty ashrams in India alone. As one of Madhava Maharaj’s first sannyasa disciples, he took the vow of renunciation in 1961.

After the disappearance of Srila Madhava Goswami Maharaj in 1979, Srila Tirtha Maharaj was appointed his successor as acharya of the Math. During his lifetime, he received the blessings and intimate association of many of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta’s prominent followers, such as Srila Bhakti Promode Pūri Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Hridoy Bon Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhar Maharaj, Akinchana Krishna Das Babaji Maharaj and many others. For the last five decades, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj has been engaged in preaching the philosophy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to counter the modern trend toward violence and cruelty, and to bring about unity of hearts among all, irrespective of race, creed or religion.

Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj had requested Srila Tirtha Maharaj to accompany him to the USA just prior to his launching of the Krishna consciousness movement in the west in 1965. As he was engaged in the service of his Gurudeva as secretary of Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Math at that time, Srila Tirtha Maharaj humbly declined. Since 1997, however, at the request of Srila Bhakti Promode Pūri Maharaj, he has been traveling the globe several months a year, enlivening all who come in contact with his humble, sweet personality extraordinary kirtan and message of divine love. To date, his preaching travels outside India have taken him around the world, including UK, Holland, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hawaii and throughout the continental US. Everyone is attracted by his eloquent, insightful and, most of all, purely devotional discourses.

During his US tour in 1997 His Holiness Srila Tirtha Maharaj addressed the United Nations’ “World Peace Prayer Society,” and “World Conference on Religion and Peace” in New York City, offering them a succinct outline for world peace based upon the spiritual tenets of the ancient Vedas. His preaching programs over the past years have also included many interesting dialogues with prominent Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Hindu and Baha’i theologians, in such diverse settings as universities, interfaith groups, churches, Hindu temples and a wide variety of metaphysical and private educational centers. All are invariably won over by his gentle and affectionate nature, combined with his resolute faith in Guru, Vaishnava and Bhagavan. He has also spoken on the sublime teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu on many radio and television programs, including a thought provoking interview on BBC radio in 2000, which was broadcast worldwide.

In addition to his role as acharya of Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Math, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj serves as the acharya of GOKUL (Global Organization of Krishnachaitanya’s Universal Love), which he founded in 1997. He has also served as vice-president of the World Vaishnava Association (WVA). Working eighteen hours a day he is incessantly engaged in the service of humanity as a teacher of Vedic wisdom and the philosophy of bhakti yoga. He is presently engaged in writing articles and books in his native languages as well as in English. To date, his English publications include the books Šuddha Bhakti, Sages of Ancient India, A Taste of Transcendence and Sri Chaitanya: His Life and Associates.