Friday, April 27, 2012

Divine Sayings

Sree Sree Guru Gaurangau Jayatah!

The biggest point is - faith. With faith, man, woman, child all can get Bhagavan by calling out. Dhurva was having unflinching faith that Lord will definitely come. Due to faith he got the mercy of Supreme Lord Hari. By the loud calls, Lord's heart got melted. Dhurva was a child only. He did not know the sanskrit prayers. He only called for the Supreme Lord loudly. When Lord becomes pleased, unfavorable becomes favorable. Narada Muni himself came to meet Dhurva and told him the method of performing the austerities. After only 6 months of severe austerities, Dhruva saw the divine form of Supreme Lord Vishnu with conch, disc, club and lotus flower.

If you want darkness, Light will not come; and if Light comes, how can darkness remain? The two cannot exist simultaneously.

The eternal nature of the soul is causeless devotion to the Supreme Lord. No one can stop this.

Saranagati is unending. The Qualities of Krishna are unending and will descend according to the degree of saranagati, both endless and infinite.

Krishna is the nearest and the dearest. Whatever you are thinking in your mind Krishna sees first and only then can you see it. You can see nothing without His grace.

--- His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

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